I caught Son standing in front of the mirror with his shirt pulled up, staring intently at his midriff. He changed position several times, akin to posing for the camera and continued with his scrutiny from different angles. His eyes never left his midriff reflection and was totally fixated, very much oblivious to my presence. His posing and checking went on for a while until Daughter's hysterical laughter broke his concentration. She had walked in unannounced and the sight of Son left her in stitches. Red faced, Son hurriedly pulled down his shirt, glared at sister then sprinted to his room.
Just after lunch, I caught Son in deep concentration again. This time his head was buried in the newspaper and was totally engrossed in an article. He then moved to the computer table and with a few cursory clicks, his attention was on the screen. My curiosity was piqued so I picked up the opened newspaper-
http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2011/1/8/lifeliving/7742448&sec=lifeliving. Wow! I too am totally sold! Perhaps there's a special discount for mother and son program?