Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lost Battle

Not a good day today for Son. It has been a day fraught with tense moments especially at late afternoon. In the morning he was still his chirpy self when we set out for his tournament and was on top of the world when he won 3 consecutive games. No easy feat, considering the amount of analytical skills and deep concentration required to secure this early victory.

However, the blow came after lunch. Having lost a game, followed by a draw, Son was mentally challenged to wrap up the final round aiming to end it on a high note. However, in his haste, he made a big blunder which gave his opponent an extra edge. A costly mistake which deprived him a favourable position in the top 10.

Son's usual wisecracking persona took a change. He was thoroughly dejected and low in spirit. Nothing I can do save for encouraging him to train harder and soldier on in this board battle game.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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