Saturday, September 11, 2010

Teens T-shirts Tops

Son loved oversized funny Tshirts for men when he was much younger, the roomier the better. Never mind that he practically drowned in them and constantly hauled up the sleeves because of  the heat! For his then body physique he should wear size M but dear Son insisted on 2 size larger for every purchase.

Secretly I was thrilled. S, M, L or XL t-shirts tops are usually priced the same so logically, selecting the biggest is our gain. Who cares if they are several centimeters long, one much learn to stretch the $, right? Son was a sight to behold and can easily pass for a celebrity rapper, yo, yo, man........

Severalk years elapsed, Son is no longer pint sized.  The time actively spent on football, badminton, swimming & gym resulted in a sturdy body and was often told he was big for his age. XL Ts now suit him perfectly; meaning his previous oversized Tshirts are exact fit now, meaning, my $ is still stretched. Aha!

My joy was shortlived. For days on end I hear, 'Mom, I've nothing to wear!' after scanning shirt after shirt after shirt. The rejects mount up a huge pile which easily rivals the Pyramid of Giza. I should have detected the writing on the wall on my $. For a long while, he refused to leave the house in his oversized unless absolutely necessary. Alas, this oversize Tshirts fetish stepped down as his age stepped up.

The last time I checked, his wardrobe consists of only M sized tees - graphic t-shirt, retro t-shirt and several zany, crazy t-shirt!  He's ecstatic with this new collection and happily flaunt his now undersized T-shirts to no end. New owners adopted his 'vintage tees' Pyramid of Giza pile, courtesy of the recycling centres which Son willingly donated to. And I see $ flying away before my eyes.......sob.


As promised, the cryptic messages unveiled......

"IS MOM, BBL XTR CLS" - I'm sorry mom, be back later extra class
FOS - Freedom of speech

Perfect score? Perfect! carry on your lingo, lingo with you teeny, teeny .........

Check these for more teen lingo

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