Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Karaoke, Ok?

Police Raid Karaoke.....

I was reading this article when Son dashed in, exclaimed excitedly, "Mom, CC is going to have a birthday bash at Karaoke. Can I go?".

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... birthday parties are held at home, McDonalds, swimming pool, hotels where colourful balloons, streamers adorn the place with cute party hats on adorable guests, right? Wrong! That was yester, yester, yester........year! Alas!      

"Can I go, please?" Son looked pleadingly at me. "Err...." I was grasping the newspaper tightly to my chest willing the karaoke news to diminish, to liberate my mind to think unprejudicedly.

Actually, that isn't even the major reason, I mean the raid.

I've sat through karaoke MTVs and there isn't a time when I didn't squirm at scantily dressed ladies flaunting their assets or overly exposed men vying for attention or both gender heightening their touch senses. I don't wish for Son to have to juggle between singing and ogling. Moreover, I am of the opinion that a few minutes of  this unnecessary exposure will work hot blooded teens into a frenzy. They are just not ready yet. Yes, I am that old fashioned!!!
So, did Son go or not??? Ahem! you'll know........

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