Friday, February 11, 2011


Overindulgence in Chinese New Year delicacies and titbits has left Son with a sore, scratchy throat and a cough. It doesn't help that he had fiery Indian curry rice for 3 consecutive meals. Yup, Indian food in the midst of a Chinese celebration! Moreover, with much merriment and festivity atmosphere, he lax in ensuring sufficient water consumption. Not that I didn't caution him.

His usually loud voice in the house has been reduced to whispers. To hear him audibly, I have to stand on tippy toes to position my ear close to his mouth. Daughter, on the other hand, welcomes this respite from Son's constant playful vexation. Instead, she turned the tables on him with relentless annoyance knowing well retaliation is naught from a voiceless brother.

Son endeavors to make amend his folly, he now lugs a 2L water bottle everywhere he goes....


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