Friday, February 18, 2011

#%$? Blockbuster Songs

What's with songs these days, they have to be about sex, drugs, violence and vulgarity! Is this one contributing factors why children are maturing too fast and losing their pureness early? Their time to be just kids is very much shortened.

Son enjoys music and do keep up with the latest hits. Unbeknownst to Son, I too seek out latest blockbuster songs just to keep abreast with the latest music genre teens tuned in to. Some songs I approve but there are others, though with catchy beat and are highly sought-after, contain raunchy lyrics which I can't justify Son listening to them.

However, not wanting to be considered a fuddy-duddy for rejecting seemingly popular songs, I secretly paraphrased the lyrics by replacing offensive words with vile and despicable equivalent. Satisfied with the doctored songs, with no trace of the original, I showed them to Son. His contorted facial appearance revealed aplenty - abhorrence and bewilderment rolled into one.

When the original lyrics were unveiled, his jaws dropped. But he recovered just as fast to launch a vehement protest against the underhand tactic I employed. No tricks I told him, just reworded lyrics.....


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