Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Son's Room Aka War Zone!

I've been hit by Murphy's Law left and right for the past few days - everything that can go wrong has gone wrong!

And I chose this time to enter Son's room, aka war zone, aka landfill. His room can be described in two words - utter chaos!! I have, long ago, stopped getting into a power struggle over his room, about keeping it reasonably clean. I have since tolerated what I considered gross by my standards but is to him a heavenly haven.  However, that day, the sight of  his room got me all riled up and I felt my anger rose rapidly.

Instantaneously, I barked out orders and my voice grew louder and louder until I was almost shouting. There was like a runaway train inside me, uncontrollable, unstoppable. I just launched into a tirade against everything in his room.

This ugly scene went on for a while, and it was the look of anguish on Son's face that stopped me in my tracks and my senses slowly returned.

I hastily left his room before I could wreak any more destruction. My heart was going a hundred beat a minute.........

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