Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nocturnal Creature

Lately, Son has been delaying his sleeping time at night, giving reasons like
1) wanting longer hours in a day
2) to complete his studies and assignments
3) to practise his board game battle

I'm of the opinion that it is more of a 'keeping up with the Joneses' inclination. He once told me some of his friends hit the sack no earlier than 3am!! Looks like Son tends to share this proclivity for a nocturnal lifestyle.

Knowing well that my protests will fall on deaf ears, I held my tongue. His initial few attempts proved futile, I caught him sitting on his bed, fast asleep with a book or his board game pieces in his hand. However, that didn't deter him, he's bent on staying up late.

I'll stay a passive observer for now. Since the lights stay on when he dozes off, I'll occupy my time by seeking ways for him to foot the electricity bill.................

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