Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shopping Evolution

When Bangkok was picked as this year's short holiday destination, both my teens clapped their hands in glee and exclaimed in unison, 'shopping'.

Ya, even Son whom years ago detested shopping and was ever grateful that I shouldered this irksome task for him. Back then he couldn't care less that I picked his attire for him, he's only too happy to be let off the shopping hook.

But now as a teen, shopping takes on a new meaning. His penchant for psychedelic, bold colours alarms me. Pink colour which he avoided like a deadly plague before, he now adores. And to my horrors, he now finds feminine accessories fascinating! Urrgh!

I still go shopping with Son not that I'm a convert to his preferences but I do want to be present to stop any eccentric purchases. I have no wish to go into cardiac arrest should he lug home feather boa adorned t-shirts, candy pink shorts or fluorescent orange sneakers..........

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