Sunday, October 10, 2010

Holey Ear

Daughter and I adore earrings and between us, we have amassed a vast colourful collection. Earrings are girls' rightful beauty accessory and I am of the opinion that earrings should only accessorize the female gender, period. (Let's not get into a debate about the tribal people).

So you can imagine my horrors and momentary cardiac arrest when son casually dropped hints about piercing his ears. All hell broke loose inside of me yet I willed myself to stay composed and arranged my face to show calm. However, he must have sensed the fury in me, as he quickly added, 'only 1 ear.' Huh! as if one less qualify him pronto!

'It's cool, mom, my friend has one on the left ear, I'll pay with my allowance.......' To every 'no' from me, his reasoning turned more theatrical and absurd! Sensing no solution at hand, I feigned resignation.'Ok, ok, you can have your ears pierced.' 'Awright mom!', Son thumped the air with his fist in delight. 'But, I'll do it for you at home!.' I tried hard to suppress my laughter, seeing son's bewildered and horrified look.

'We'll use great grandma's method.' I said with all finality. Son's face contorted into a painful grimace. 'No way man!, no way!' and he hurried out the room, almost running over sister. Phew! I know this topic is now obliterated from his mind.... well, at least for a while. Yeah!

Great grandma's method?
- Rub old ginger vigorously on the lobe to numb it,
- Thread a needle, then sterilize the needle end over fire,
- Ready, get set, thrust!
- Draw the thread over the pierced ear,
- Cut the thread to a short length to form a loop, tie firmly.

Voila! two pierced ears and all done from the comfort of your home!

Pics -

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