Mom A - "Are you sure you will read this comic? "
Teen B - "What man you mom, of course I'll read. You think I buy it for fun?"
Mom A - "You still have a few new ones not read yet"
Teen B - "When I have the time I'll read, you are worried I use your money is it?"
Mom A -"I think you should finish the ones at home first before buying new ones".
Teen B threw the comic book down hard, starred at his mom in disgust and stormed off in a huff. I sneaked a peek at Mom A. She was utterly embarrassed and hastily walked after her son. My heart went out to her for being humiliated publicly.
Son who also heard the hullabaloo was amused at Teen B's antics. He then turned to me, smiled innocently, said "Mom, if I talk to you like that I'll get 'it' right!". What a surprise! All the years of discipline has actually taken root in him and he's conscious of repercussions should he cross the ethics line. Phew! I floated out of the bookshop a proud mom......!
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